Friday, May 22, 2009

Bear Gets Books!

Originally uploaded by bwitched4you
My foster mom visited with Auntie Margie last night and brought home a whole stack of books on dogs with cancer. That's a scary word but glad that I have a bunch of people who love me and care what happens to me so we going to learn all about this tumor they took out of me. When my surgery spot heals up all the way, we'll go see Dr. C and he'll teach my foster parents how to check my lymph nodes to be sure I'm not getting any more lumps.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bear Surgery Spot Update

Bear Surgery Spot
Originally uploaded by bwitched4you
Look at Bear's surgery spot! It's healing well and no more seeping now. We have also started our walks back up again and Bear is very happy about that :) Still waiting to hear from Dr. C on our plan for Bear. Dr. C was consulting with the lab to discuss the results a little more in depth.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bear does Research (or does he really nap?)

Originally uploaded by bwitched4you
So we got the news my tumor was stage 2; my foster parents were bummed but hopeful we can beat this and the surgery a success. Dr. C did aggressive surgery on me to take out the tumor and outer tissues too just to be sure. My foster mom has been non-stop on the internet reading on mass cell tumors. She's even got me reading up on it. When she's not looking (well I thought she wasn't) I take naps. She also suggested we use my blog to keep track of my recovery and to educate folks on mass cell tumors.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bear's Lab Results

Originally uploaded by bwitched4you
Received Bear's lab results from the mass cell tumor he has. It's been diagnosed as a Stage 2 (fair and guarded). What does all this mean? I'm not really sure but the tumor did have some malignant behavior. So I'm bummed and scared. I have no idea what's next and will keep everyone posted. I'm glad we found and got the tumor out though for sure. Paws crossed everything will be ok down the road. We hope to be getting an appointment with Dr. C soon to discuss. I love this picture of Bear I took yesterday at the Vet visit. He's a happy goofy boy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bear Visits the Vet Part II

Bear had to go visit Dr. C today to make sure he hasn't done any damage to his stitches because of the 'running wild' incident on the stairs. Dr. C reports that the surgery area looks great and Bear is on his way to a full recovery. Happy to report there were no ripped stitches and what I was looking at was the the pocket Dr. C had made in surgery to allow seepage through. I had it backwards and thought the pocket was on the other end. Bad news is we still have no results from the lab yet on the stage of the tumor so still paws crossed. We weighed him too and he's lost another 7th of a pound. Ok not alot but it's been less than a week when he weighed in at 103 lbs. Today he was 102.2. Look below for pictures of Bear at the Vet!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bear Rips his Stitches? (Note: Graphic)

Originally uploaded by bwitched4you
Well I get home today to find someone has forgot to put the babygate back up to block the stairs and I find Bear and Miki running up and down the stairs. I got a little concerned because of his stitches so I checked him out. It looked like he possibly tore a stitch or two so I took some pictures, texted Auntie Margie, and sent her the pictures to get her opinion. She will ask Dr. C about it tomorrow when she goes to work to make sure he doesn't have to come in.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bear's Surgery Spot

Surgery Spot
Originally uploaded by bwitched4you
Took a picture of Bear's surgery spot while he was sleeping on his back this morning. Kind of graphic so sorry! He has done well today. Had alot of energy for a boy that just had major surgery! I've about to take him and Buck outside in front for a few. It's still sooooo hot. Miki will go on the regular walk while I chill with the boys.

Bear's First Night Post Surgery - 5/8/09

Originally uploaded by bwitched4you
Bear had a good night last night. He slept pretty much all night moving just a couple times to a new spot. No crying and he seemed to sleep peacefully. He got to see Miki and Buck leave for the park this morning so he was rather upset over that. Even taking him outside in front didn't satisfy him; he kept looking for his buddies. Then he cried until they got home! He ate all his breakfast and took his meds so hopefully we will have a good day :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bear Post-Surgery 5/8/09

Originally uploaded by bwitched4you
I picked up Bear today from the Vet's. He had major surgery this morning to remove the mass cell tumor he has. Bear wouldn't come out of the kennel; scared, in pain, a combination of things so they had to come get me to try. I think he was relieved to see me and did get up and come out of the kennel for me. He was weak and uncomfortable :( We got him home and he crashed. Bear finally ate some dinner and was hungry for more so we went ahead and gave him a little extra. He took all his meds so hopefully he will keep everything down at this point. Bear is crying alot and you can tell he's having some discomfort so we hope the painkillers kick in soon. He is laying down in his kennel now which is good; no one can bother him. Miki and Buck were happy to see him back at the house especially Miki. She even gave him a couple kisses! Bear was able to wag the tip of his tail to signify it was good to be home.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bear Visits the Vet - Part 1

Originally uploaded by bwitched4you
Bear got to go in for his checkup yesterday. The big moment was getting weighed to see how he's doing on his weight loss. Bear's lost 19 pounds!!! Woo Hoo!

We did get some scary news at the vet though. Bear has a lump and it was aspirated to check it out. It is a Mass Cell Tumor. He is now scheduled for surgery this Friday to remove it and send off to determine what stage it is. Paws crossed for our Bear. There are 3 stages of Mass Cell Tumors. We are hoping for Stage 1. Please keep Bear in your thoughts and prayers.